# THIS IS AN EXAMPLE ON HOW YOU SHOULD CONFIGURE YOUR hugo.toml # See this hugo.toml in action at https://github.com/1bl4z3r/hermit-V2/blob/staging/hugo.toml # Example Site is Staging branch, acessible at https://github.com/1bl4z3r/hermit-V2/tree/staging # To see what each config does, refer to https://1bl4z3r.github.io/hermit-V2/en/posts/explaining-configs/ # Open Issue or Pull Request at https://github.com/1bl4z3r/hermit-V2 baseURL = "CHANGE BASE URL" defaultContentLanguage = "en" defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true #theme = "hermit-v2" #[languages] # [languages.en] # title = 'CHANGE ME' # [languages.en.params] # homeSubtitle = "CHANGE ME" # weight = 1 # [languages.fr] # title = 'CHANGE ME(FR)' # [languages.fr.params] # homeSubtitle = "CHANGE ME" # weight = 2 # [languages.it] # title = 'CHANGE ME(IT)' # [languages.it.params] # homeSubtitle = "CHANGE ME" # weight = 3 languageCode = "en-us" # title = "CHANGE ME" # enableGitInfo = true pygmentsCodefences = true pygmentsUseClasses = true #hasCJKLanguage = true rssLimit = 10 copyright = "CHANGE ME" enableEmoji = true # googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45" # disqusShortname = "CHANGE ME" [params.author] name = "CHANGE SITE AUTHOR" about = "CHANGE SITE AUTHOR ABOUT" [blackfriday] # hrefTargetBlank = true # noreferrerLinks = true # nofollowLinks = true [taxonomies] tag = "tags" # Categories are disabled by default. [params] dateform = "Jan 2, 2006" dateformShort = "Jan 2" dateformNum = "2006-01-02" dateformNumTime = "2006-01-02 15:04 -0700" # description = "CHANGE ME SITE DESCRIPTION" # images = [""] themeColor = "#494f5c" #homeSubtitle = "CHANGE ME HOME SUBTITLE" footerCopyright = "CHANGE ME FOOTER COPYRIGHT" # bgImg = "" # gitUrl = "https://github.com/1bl4z3r/hermit-V2/tree/staging" justifyContent = false relatedPosts = true code_copy_button = true homeSubtitlePrinter = true scrollToTop = true global_mathjax = false readTime = true readTimeSeparator = "CHANGE ME READ TIME" # legacyLayout = false shareSocial = true # googleTagManager = "GTM-XXXXXXXX" [[params.socialLinks]] name = "mastodon" url = "https://joinmastodon.org/" [[params.socialLinks]] name = "x" url = "https://twitter.com/" [[params.socialLinks]] name = "github" url = "https://github.com/1bl4z3r/hermit-V2/tree/staging" [menu] [[menu.main]] name = "Posts" url = "posts/" weight = 10 [[menu.main]] name = "About" url = "about-hugo/" weight = 20